
Does it look CUTE ">">">
Do u no y i post this picture !!!

It is mean more than it is actualy really mean !
There is smting behind it that makes me feel sth which it hard to say....

In my graduation day, Nov 15th 2007 !

hmmm, it seems to be bored in the beginning becos the speech was taken almost 3hrs.... jus imagine how it awful it is !

Anyway, after the speech, everyone becom cheerful...Smile begins to appear on their faces, Camera are taken out......

Time flies, after that v go to have lunch together ! FUN & JOY is always :):):)


निस बुत वोरसे थान एवर !

EVER to be better than NEVER !!!

EVER to be better than NEVER !!!
THat's call life !!!
Never always be Pleasant to people all the time !
M so tired of my very task responsibilities that i have to face up with everyday life !!!
Exam are waiting for me ! Many books and many more of material are looking await to be read...
निस बुत सो वोरसे थान एवर !


Notiong but it ws FANTASTIC to me !!!

2nd Sep 07, my birthday, it is Wonderful... that i never felt like this before !
Although it jus took a short time.
I realy adore the present i get !!!
I love it !
Thanks so much na SWEET_PooH (">)



Hi everyone!
M Sophornvichet,Cambodia is my sweet home country !!!
Nice to see u guy...