Wat is the result m looking for... although there is a sign that m not qualified enough.
Do i need to improve, hmmmm....i did try to improve, but seem like not very different gap between past and present.
Oh, I alw remind myself with a quote from my dad that 'if s.o can do, YOU urself can do as well'. The matter is that u give urself chance and commit to change or not !
On the other hand, in general, people are completely different, but y people can get the same success ? wonder ?
Can i do like other who is successful ?
S.o has said, no one's better than anyone. Same Same !!!
Wish i could do i like other...
Hi, I am enthen
I think your life is amazing
I have many good short chinese wise stories in my blog. visit enthenzhuo.blogspot.com
only for you
You have your own success while others have their owns. Don't compare with others in this way. You can compare but compare and make it even better than the others. Just don't dwell on it and go ahead to do anything that would make you succeed. I support you!!! :)
Don't you know that you are so successful compared to some people? Probably, you set your goal too high, or your time has not come yet. Don't worry! Just keep trying and you will get successful one day. We don't know what tomorrow will bring.
To enthen: hi man !
nice to meet u here !
by the way, wat make u think i hav amazing life ?
anyway, thank u na...
oh i hav visit ur blog, it's great...
i'll keep reading !!
to ice: thank u man...thank for alway support and push me up !!!
Such of comparing is hard not to think but somhow, thinking too much is not a deal.rite ! Jus somtime think n somtime forget !
I ll keep looking forward !
thank alot man :)
To Panha: Emm... u r rite, i might set to high goal, which beyond my ability ! Need to adjust it, doesnt it ?
by the way, hw ur study going on?
i no it must be stressful, studying a whole day accompanying with mountain of homework !
hope the lecturers will sense on ur feeling and b pity on u, then there wont be much more H.W. hehehe :)
wish u good luck na !
See u sometime again !
I guess it depends on the way you define the word "successful" here, becuz i believe people flourish and cherish things in their very own ways, and to say whether you are successful or not, it might have something to deal with 2 people who see the glass as half full or half empty. so let's find ourselves be ourselves, and good luck on approaching your goal!
Happy Khmer New Year to you, too :)
yeah u absolutely rite !
everyone has his/her goal, if his or her could achieve, that must be great !
hwever, that's becos m too demanding... heheeheh...
anyway, ur comment is nice, abt the different view of glass of water as a half full / half empty !
By the way, plan for new year ?
whr wil u go ?
me, maybe home !
p.s Welcom back Princess !
whr hav u been so far ?
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